History was made when former Vice President Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. Harris is the first Black woman—and the first American Asian woman—to appear on a major party presidential ticket.
Regardless of your political persuasion, the relevance, from the standpoint of diversity, is undeniable. As CNBC points out, “Biden’s selection of Harris, 55, lends racial diversity, gender parity and generational breadth to his campaign.”
At a time when hiring organizations are grappling with how to implement or expand diversity initiatives, the Harris pick serves as a reminder that qualified candidates from underrepresented groups should be considered for open positions at every level.
Recruiting obstacles
Yet, even when hiring organizations have the best intentions, they sometimes struggle to find diverse candidates.
A new Appcast whitepaper explores how to find qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. It’s timely information, to be sure, as more organizations increase their diversity initiatives.
Organizations aren’t only increasing their diversity initiatives; they’re looking for people to lead these efforts. Appcast Research shows a 43% overall increase in job postings for heads of diversity and inclusion, from June 1 through August 31, 2020 in comparison to January 1 through May 31, 2020.
Yes, in addition to recruiting diverse candidates, employers are busy recruiting individuals to lead diversity initiatives. That’s a lot of searching going on.
Why now
Diversity is top of mind partly because of civil unrest related to racial injustice. It’s no coincidence that the increase in job postings for corporate diversity leaders has increased since the death of George Floyd. However, to cite civil unrest as the only driver would not be accurate. Diversity has been gaining momentum as a corporate initiative in recent years.
LinkedIn data shows a steady increase of employees in diversity and inclusion roles over the last five years.
The change is the result of numerous organizations, such as Catalyst, which focuses on accelerating progress for women through workplace inclusion. These organizations have been pioneering research and recognizing best practices for many years—and have helped spread the word about the benefits of diversity.
Like so much in the work-sphere, the increased commitment to diversity has been driven by multiple factors, including greater awareness, societal shifts, and corporate enlightenment.
Learn more
Which brings us back to the issue of finding qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. Appcast provides actionable insight in a new whitepaper, Diversity Recruiting: Finding and Hiring Candidates. Download now to learn what works so you can adjust your approach accordingly.