July 9, 2024

Meet the Founder: Susan Oxford

July 9, 2024

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Appcast’s humble beginnings can be traced to the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, in an unassuming small town that doesn’t have the same name recognition as Silicon Valley. But, around a borrowed picnic table in an old warehouse, founder and CEO Chris Forman found himself surrounded by the same level of talent and passion that you can normally find in the tech capital. This dedicated team wasn’t afraid to roll up their sleeves to drive the company forward – and drive it forward they did.

As Appcast’s reputation as a trailblazer in programmatic technology grew, our team did as well, and offices were established across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Now the proud employer of over 550 employees, Appcast has transformed from a small group of passionate, nerdy, hard workers to a leading innovator in the recruitment marketing space.

We’ve asked members of the founding team to reflect on their accomplishments and memorable moments from the early days of uncertainty to today, where their contributions continue to power Appcast’s success.

Quote from Susan Oxford: “Appcast aligns with my values. It has given me a sense of community, belonging, and purpose, making me feel like a valued member of the team.”

Susan Oxford has felt valued from her very first day at Appcast. She found a strong sense of purpose within the Appcast community, especially as she has advanced within her career. Initially, Sue was a Product Manager, then moved into Training and Development, eventually becoming the Vice President of Talent.

Here’s what Susan had to say about her history at Appcast:

What would you tell the person who you were 10 years ago to encourage them before their first day at Appcast? 

When I first started, I would have told myself to embrace truth to power. As a new employee, it’s common to feel nervous about voicing your opinions and speaking up. However, what I know now is that Appcast embraces a diversity of thought and encourages speaking truth to power. I’d tell that version of myself to not worry about hierarchy when it comes to communicating what’s best for Appcast. Once I understood this, I became more comfortable expressing my views, which allowed me to contribute more effectively to the overall success of the organization.

What’s the most enduring lesson you’ve learned over the past 10 years?

Over the past decade, the most important lesson I’ve learned is the value of perseverance. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Appcast found growth opportunities and adapted to unprecedented circumstances. Throughout that crisis, I witnessed Appcast prioritize our mental health and well-being by offering support for our families. The kindness Appcast showed to employees, clients, partners, and the community has contributed to our reputation as one of the best places to work.

What does Appcast mean to you?

Appcast aligns with my values. It has provided me with career growth opportunities, brilliant colleagues, and meaningful work. Appcast has done so much for myself and my family. I’m grateful to work for a company that values and supports its employees, their families, and our communities. It has given me a sense of community, belonging, and purpose, making me feel like a valued member of the Appcast team.

Read more of our founder profiles on our 10-year anniversary page and join us in the year ahead as we continue to celebrate ten years of Appcast.

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