July 9, 2024

Meet the Founder: Dan Larsen

July 9, 2024

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Appcast’s humble beginnings can be traced to the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, in an unassuming small town that doesn’t have the same name recognition as Silicon Valley. But, around a borrowed picnic table in an old warehouse, founder and CEO Chris Forman found himself surrounded by the same level of talent and passion that you can normally find in the tech capital. This dedicated team wasn’t afraid to roll up their sleeves to drive the company forward – and drive it forward they did.

As Appcast’s reputation as a trailblazer in programmatic technology grew, our team did as well, and offices were established across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Now the proud employer of over 550 employees, Appcast has transformed from a small group of passionate, nerdy, hard workers to a leading innovator in the recruitment marketing space.

We’ve asked members of the founding team to reflect on their accomplishments and memorable moments from the early days of uncertainty to today, where their contributions continue to power Appcast’s success.

Quote from Dan Larsen: “I've been proud to be afforded the ability to jump around into a few different roles crafting my trade before landing in my current role with an exceptional team.”

From day one, Dan Larsen felt a strong sense of community at Appcast. Working out of the Lebanon office, he is grateful to have been promoted to many different roles within the company. Today, he is the Director of Implementation and Project Management.

Here’s what Dan had to say about his history at Appcast:

How do you remember feeling on your first day at Appcast?

Nervous excitement probably best describes my feelings early on. To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing as it was my first professional job out of college. Truthfully, I thought I might be a ski bum for life! The small tight-knit group made it feel like a team and that we were building something special that made you want to work hard. The leaders made it clear that if you worked hard for us, your work would be rewarded and that certainly was the case.

What moment(s) in the last ten years at Appcast have you been most proud of?

I’ve been proud to be afforded the ability to jump around into a few different roles crafting my trade before landing in my current role with an exceptional team. It has felt nice to be given such autonomy to find where I was happiest and could also provide the most value to the company. Being nominated for Young Professional of the Year by NH Stay, Work, Play back in 2016 was a real highlight at the time and today. But being named an Appcast Fellow in 2022 might be what I’m most proud of.

Where do you hope Appcast will be 10 years from today?

I would like to see Appcast to continue to grow sustainably within the next 10 years and be a household name for both job seekers and advertisers. We should continue to put employees and the community first because without those, there wouldn’t be a business. I hope that the same grit and hard work continues to be at the forefront of Appcast’s culture.

Read more of our founder profiles on our 10-year anniversary page and join us in the year ahead as we continue to celebrate ten years of Appcast.

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