August 8, 2024

An Inside Look at Appcast’s Internship Program  

Phoebe Garfield
Content & Brand Marketing Intern
August 8, 2024

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Appcast’s internship program began in 2020, during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Four years later, the internship program has become a crucial part of what we at Appcast represent. Appcast prides itself on matching college-aged interns with the ideal experience. In fact, several internships have led to full-time positions.

The hiring process and first days

During the interview, potential interns are asked questions about their academic interests, career goals, and even hobbies! The interviewer wants to gauge the best fit so the intern, manager, and surrounding team can all benefit from the experience.

Once placed on a team, the underlying expectation of our summer students is to uphold Appcast’s values: we are kind, we go beyond, we radically include, we are better together, we stand on our number, we speak truth to power, and we act with a revolutionary heart. Here at Appcast, we’re proud of our values and want to be sure everyone, from the CEO to our interns, is committed to creating a positive environment.

Opportunities for career development and community involvement

During an internship at Appcast, students are surrounded by supportive team members and are quickly steeped in our company’s culture. Regular meetings with managers, teams, and other colleagues provide opportunities to ask questions, express interest in specific projects, or explore different departments. For instance, interns within the sales department have been given opportunities to explore tasks within marketing, even if it’s just shadowing for a day. This support system ensures that interns make the most of their time at Appcast.

Throughout the summer, interns also participate in career development panels, covering topics like resume writing, interview tips, developing a LinkedIn profile, and presentation skills. Additionally, they each have the chance to meet with executive team members, who share insights about their own career paths. All interns participate in a community service program, allowing the opportunity to work alongside fellow interns and other employees outside of an office environment. At Appcast, giving back to the local community is at the heart of our culture. When we were founded in small-town New Hampshire, our community’s support helped us succeed. Now, we are sure to pay it forward. This program fosters teamwork, strengthens relationships with co-workers, and allows interns to engage with the local community.

Group of 6 individuals standing in front of a sign that says "Community Food Centre: Thank you for your support."

The importance of hands-on experience

Most interns walk away from their summer with a sense of gratification. Some eventually move into full-time positions, while others are one step closer to discovering a career path. No matter where an intern goes from here, they can be sure to have gained hands-on experience from their time at Appcast. All interns have had the opportunity to work on a project that has directly or indirectly advanced the company’s mission. For instance, I had the opportunity to re-brand the Appcast resource library. This project exposed me to the Appcast brand, allowed me to hone my design skills, and let me take a look behind the curtain into how the website is designed. Being given impactful work has allowed me to experience what day-to-day life is like for my manager and team.

Liam Salerno quote: “The components of my internship that I found the most valuable have been the time that I've had with my manager. It has helped improve my coding skills, but also get a handle on a corporate environment.”

Liam Salerno, based out of the Needham, MA office, is currently an Economics student at New York University and worked on the Data and Insights team. During his internship, he furthered his data science skills, learning new programming languages to analyze and visualize data like the data scientists and economists at Appcast. This internship directly complemented some of his coursework. Ultimately, this internship made him realize computer science’s relevance in his career path.

Quote from Kezia Roberts: “Whatever department that you're in, there's that space where you're able to voice out your opinions and you don't feel intimidated, you don't feel like it's not being taken into consideration.”

Kezia Roberts, based out of Moncton, Canada, earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and then moved on to obtain an advanced degree in human resources management. Working as an intern on our Human Resources team, she coordinated the community service for the interns, where she fine-tuned her project coordination skills as she researched organizations, reached out to them, and communicated the details to the interns.

Charlie Plottner quote: “We always talk about our values, but I think we do truly embody our values and I think that's really important, something that I would say really made me want to work here.”

The internship at Appcast has also turned into a full-time job for some. Two current interns-turned-full-time employees, Charlie Plottner and Madeleine Perry, found that the most significant change during the transition from intern to employee was the increase in responsibility. As full-time employees, they take on more work and are exposed to more parts of the business, such as working directly with clients. However, as an intern, they felt no difference in treatment as they transitioned to full-time; this allowed them to jump right in to work with their team. During their internship, they became accustomed to Appcast’s platforms and the business’ impact on their customers, allowing them to thrive early on in their full-time roles. Charlie and Madeleine stated the importance of being vocal about their desired career paths and nurturing their newfound Appcast networks during their internships. Their desire to stay on as a full-time employee stemmed from the people, the company culture, and the growth opportunities Appcast offers.

When I first entered my role on the content marketing team, I wasn’t familiar with most of what the team works on. Throughout my internship, though, I received tutorials on how to use certain tools and how to incorporate our employer brand in different pieces of content, to name a few examples. With this help, I have had tremendous professional growth. From the projects I have worked on and collaborating with my team members, I have gained hands-on experience that I can carry throughout my professional career.

Every team at Appcast is happy to support their members’ professional interests and hard work. We acknowledge that not everyone will come into a role and know how to do everything, and thus we value growth opportunities that further each individual’s professional and personal development. Not only does this expand the skills of our employees, but it levels up the quality of the whole company. Appcast recognizes that each employee, from intern to executive, contributes to the advancement of the company, which is why we are dedicated to providing growth opportunities for all.

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